Do I Have To Spend Time With My Partner's Coworkers, Who Photoshopped My Face Onto A Porn Actor's Body?
My partner has been with the same employer for 10 years. He is very happy at his job with his company, and because it is such a specialized field within an already-niche industry, he has been able to really show off his talents and achieve huge career success within that time frame...
The problem, unfortunately, is his immediate supervisor and his department head. It's very much an old boys' club in the already-small field he works in... I found out recently that they had Photoshopped my face onto someone in a pornographic scene and hid copies of this "artwork" inside my partner's office when he refused to engage in a round of golf with them. They considered this to be a "prank," but I am livid...
I know my partner is happy with his job, but I don't ever want to see either of those gentlemen again. Unfortunately, this field has many social events that I have attended with my partner — and my partner insists I support him by continuing to attend. There is no way to avoid either of these people if I do attend due to the exceptionally small size of the event, so my attendance will guarantee long-ish interaction with both of these gentlemen. Do I have to go? I am sick just thinking of attending the next event in three months.